Fats and oils for margarine production

Fats and Oils

Liquid parts

Especially the liquid parts are responsible for the healthy nature of margarine! Oils like rapeseed oil and sunflower oil are quite common in margarine production. They are high in valuable mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty-acids.

The liquid parts of margarine provide the smooth consistency; this permits the margarine to be spreadable directly out of the refrigerator.

For the selection of suitable oils and fats the following criteria are particularly decisive:

  • Physical properties (solidity, melting behaviour)
  • Nutritional aspects (fatty-acid composition, mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty-acids, n-3 and n-6 fatty acids)


We are happy to support you in your selection of suitable fats and oils for your product and applications. Don’t hesitate to ask for individual solutions!